Looking for collaboration and support this year? Check our virtual coaching opportunity: https://bit.ly/ICServices @VCROE54 @RegionalOffice9 #InstructionalCoaching
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Virtual Coaching
We're hiring! ROE SchoolWorks is looking for a PD Specialist with an Administrative Endorsement (Type 75). Visit https://bit.ly/PDSpecialist
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
PD Specialist
Special Education Teachers, join us for free, virtual networking this Thursday from 10:00-11:00 AM CST. Visit https://bit.ly/SpEdNetworking to register and receive a Zoom link. @VCROE54 @RegionalOffice9 #SpecialEducation #RemoteLearning #BlendedLearning
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
SpEd Networking
Instructional Coaches' Networking First meeting of the year is Monday, August 10 from 9:30-10:30. Contact lellis@roe9.org for a Zoom invitation. @VCROE54 @RegionalOffice9 #InstructionalCoach
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
IC Networking
Are you a Special Education teacher? Join us for a free, virtual networking opportunity Thursday, August 13 at 10:00 AM. E-mail lellis@roe9.org for a Zoom invitation. @VCROE54 @RegionalOffice9 #SpecialEducation #BlendedLearning
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
SpEd Networking
Virtual instructional coaching for any teacher, anywhere. Visit https://bit.ly/ICServices to request more information. #VCROE54 #RegionalOffice9 #InstructionalCoaching
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Virtual Instructional Coaching
We're back at it! Dr. Grant Miller's working with us on blended learning strategies today in a socially distanced workshop. @VCROE54 @RegionalOffice9 #BlendedLearning
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Grant Miller - Blended Learning
Join our team! ROE SchoolWorks is hiring a PD Specialist. Visit https:bit.ly/PDSpecialist to view details and apply. @RegionalOffice9 @VCROE54 #NowHiring
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Now Hiring PD Specialist
Blended learning got you stressed? Join us for a two-day, blended workshop on teaching and assessment in the blended classroom. July 29/August 5: https://bit.ly/30CwUfp July 30/August 6: https://bit.ly/BlendedLearningSession2 @VCROE54 @RegionalOffice9
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Blended Learning 2020
Read "A Conversation with Ondine Gross on Returning to School in the Fall with an SEL Lens" https://www.roeschoolworks.k12.il.us/article/266001?org=roe-schoolworks
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Returning to School with SEL
RESCHEDULED Join us for Better Conversations by @jimknight99 June 10, 2021 Bloomington, IL Register now: https://bit.ly/31CzzWz
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Better conversations
Looking for advice on culturally responsive teaching and teaching students about protests, race, and social justice? Check out these important resources: @Ready4rigor https://crtandthebrain.com/blog/ @Tolerance_org https://www.tolerance.org/
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
CRT & Teaching Tolerance
Check out our updated Instructional Coaching page! Call @ROESchoolWorks to discuss contract options. @RegionalOffice9 @VCROE54 #InstructionalCoach
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Teacher Testimonials
Discovered @MusicBoxPod with the kids the other day. So many excellent, research-based instructional strategies in a super short lesson. And it makes the car-ride go by fast! @MrsLeslieEllis @VCROE54 @RegionalOffice9 https://bit.ly/MusicBoxPod
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Teachers, how do you evaluate the pre-made activities and curricula you find? https://bit.ly/2XbbXrn @MrsLeslieEllis @RegionalOffice9 @VCROE54
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Who inspired you and motivated you? Whose lessons will stick with you years after leaving their classroom? #ThankATeacher #TeacherAppreciation @VCROE54 @ROESchoolWorks @RegionalOffice9
over 4 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Instructional coaches meet for a Zoom check-in every Friday at 1:00 PM https://ltcillinois.zoom.us/j/222775252?pwd=MzB1RUlKZm1UdW5RUXg1Si9FNFRRQT09
almost 5 years ago, Leslie Ellis
IC Check-in
Join us for our FREE Friday Educator Check-In!
almost 5 years ago, Katie Black
We've compiled a list of questions and discussion topics from our Friday Teacher Check-ins. We'll update this document each week. Check our Documents page for the info: bit.ly/SWdocuments @RegionalOffice9 @VCROE54 @MrsLeslieEllis
almost 5 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Remote Learning Doc
FREE Workshop! Join Cara Gutzmer and Sarah Durst as they explain what Remote Learning can be. Let them ease your worries as teachers transition to the new remote classroom! https://bit.ly/3dPcRQM
almost 5 years ago, Katie Black