School nurses, have questions at the start of the new year? Step into the new year on the right foot with nurse networking facilitator Amanda Sperry, MSN, RN, PEL-CSN for a free, virtual check-in on January 27:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
nurse networking
Wondering how to support literacy skills for your students with dyslexia and ELLs? Join us for our final installment on the Basics of Teaching Reading, especially for you. $20 registration, dinner included:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Free networking for instructional coaches is back again! Register now at
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
ic networking
Wondering how to support literacy skills for your students with dyslexia? Join us for our final installment on the Basics of Teaching Reading, especially for ELLs and students with dyslexia. $20 registration, dinner included:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Do you have ELLs and want to support their literacy? Join us for our final installment of Basics of Teaching Reading on February 8. $20 registration, dinner included:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Let's hear it for our nurses! Join Amanda Sperry, MSN, RN, PEL-CSN, for free, virtual nurse networking January 27. Register here:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
nurse networking
Free networking for instructional coaches is back again! Register now at
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
ic networking
Do your students struggle with reading but you're not a reading teacher? Join us for a series especially for you. Only $20 per session. REGISTER:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Are you a secondary teacher with students who struggle with reading? Join us for a series especially for you. Only $20 per session. REGISTER:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Are you a secondary teacher with students who struggle with reading? Join us for a series especially for you. Only $20 per session. REGISTER:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Coaches, sign up for free regional networking today!
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
ic networking
5 Minute Strategy: Think, Ink, Pair, Share How do you use this strategy in your classroom? Learn more: @ReadingRockets
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
think ink pair share
If you've said those words, these sessions are for you: Basics of Teaching Reading. Join linguist and reading teacher Ethan Lynn to learn how to support students in secondary grades and non-reading classrooms. Only $20 per session. REGISTER:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Are you noticing your MS and HS students have trouble reading? These sessions are for you: basics of teaching reading for non-reading teachers. Only $20 per session. REGISTER:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Calling all specials teachers, math and science teachers, and everyone in between. If you ever said, "But I'm not a reading teacher," this one's for you! Join us for the basics of teaching reading. Only $20 per session. REGISTER:
about 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
5-Minute Strategy: Hexagonal Thinking This is one of our favorites. Use it in any classroom at any grade level. Get creative. How can you use this to help students think critically? Learn more: @cultofpedagogy
over 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
hexagonal thinking
Don't miss it! Registration for our networking with area school nurses and facilitator Amanda Sperry, MSN, RN, PEL-CSN closes soon! Register for free for the November 1 meeting here:
over 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
nurse networking
You weren't trained as a reading teacher, but you're noticing students who need reading support. This series is for you. The basics of teaching reading outside the primary reading classroom. Only $20 per session. REGISTER:
over 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Calling all specials teachers, math and science teachers, and everyone in between. If you ever said, "But I'm not a reading teacher," this one's for you! Join us for the basics of teaching reading. Only $20 per session. REGISTER:
over 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
reading teacher
Thank you to those who enhance student learning by supporting great instruction and great teachers every day. #NationalCoachesDay @VCROE54 @RegionalOffice9
over 2 years ago, Leslie Ellis
Coaches Day